在刚刚开幕的巴黎车展上,奔驰发布了SLS的一款新车型-- SLS AMG Electric Drive纯电动跑车。 外观方面, SLS AMG Electric Drive采用了全电镀漆面设计,配合经典的车身设计, SLS AMG Electric Drive拥有非常不错的视觉效果。 SLS AMG Electric Drive最大的... 详细>>
编号 车型 指导价格 (万元) 市场价格 (万元) 降价幅度 (万元) 降幅比例 图 片 1 奔驰E级长轴距 E300L 时尚型豪华版(加长版) 74.90 53.90 21.00 28.04% 2 起亚K5 2.0L 手自一体 DLX Nu 18.88 13.88 5.00 26.48% 3 秀尔 1.6 GL 手动 10.38 8.38 2.00 19.... 详细>>
主题为「创新创业大孵化,有你有我有未来」的2012上海市嘉定区产业招商说明会暨重点项目签约仪式在上海外滩茂悦酒店举行,澳康达名车广场陈祥发董事长签约上海嘉定区汽车产业园,标志着澳康达名车广场正式进驻上海! 上海澳康达名车广场斥资巨资打造长达168米... 详细>>
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Two-door coupe version of the MINI Countryman Available in two and four-wheel drive Hot John Cooper Works edition announced MINI has made a name for itself in recent years of making cars that no-body thought would sell and then selling vas... 详细>>
The best 44 just got better Prices starting from 71,295 Now weighs 420kg less than before The Range Rover is one of the UKs most iconic cars. Its appeal is not limited to Blighty, however exports of the Rangey are booming, with particular... 详细>>
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